James & Inez Bittick 1900 US census

name: Inez J Bittick
titles & terms:
event: Census
event date: 1900
event place: ED 105 Salt River Township (south half) Perry city, Ralls, Missouri, United States
birth date: May 1873
birthplace: Missouri
relationship to head of household: Wife
father's birthplace: Missouri
mother's birthplace: Missouri
race or color (standardized): White
gender: Female
marital status: Married
years married: 5
estimated marriage year: 1895
mother how many children: 2
number living children: 2
immigration year:
page: 1
sheet letter: B
family number: 21
reference number: 87
film number: 1240884
digital folder number: 004118813
image number: 00284
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head James L Bittick M 41 Missouri
wife Inez J Bittick F 27 Missouri
daughter Mattie Bittick F 4 Missouri
son Ray H Bittick M 3 Missouri
mother Jane Bittick F 67 England
titles & terms:
event: Census
event date: 1900
event place: ED 105 Salt River Township (south half) Perry city, Ralls, Missouri, United States
birth date: May 1873
birthplace: Missouri
relationship to head of household: Wife
father's birthplace: Missouri
mother's birthplace: Missouri
race or color (standardized): White
gender: Female
marital status: Married
years married: 5
estimated marriage year: 1895
mother how many children: 2
number living children: 2
immigration year:
page: 1
sheet letter: B
family number: 21
reference number: 87
film number: 1240884
digital folder number: 004118813
image number: 00284
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head James L Bittick M 41 Missouri
wife Inez J Bittick F 27 Missouri
daughter Mattie Bittick F 4 Missouri
son Ray H Bittick M 3 Missouri
mother Jane Bittick F 67 England