Nathan Conner history

NATHAN CONNER, a respected Oregon pioneer of 1847, now deceased, was born in Virginia, July 16, 1821. He was of Irish ancestry, four generations of the family having been born in America. His parents were Robert, and Nancy (Maxon) Conner, both natives of Virginia. They removed to Ohio, when he was a year old, and there he was reared and educated. He was sixth in a family of ten children. In 1836 they removed to Washington county, Iowa. January 7, 1841 he married Miss Elizabeth Buell, daughter of Elias Buell. The Buells trace their ancestry back to English emigrants who landed in America, from the first vessel which came over after the Mayflower. Great-grandfather Buell was a captain in the Revolutionary war, and his son, Samuel Buell, also served in the Revolution.
In 1847 Mr. and Mrs. Conner and their two children, her father and mother, brother and six sisters, and an uncle and his family, all crossed the plains together. They made the journey in safety, and spent the following winter at Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Conner settled on their donation claim, of 640 acres, in May, 1848. They built a little log house, and began life here in a rude way, having little furniture in their cabin. By his honest and persistent efforts Mr. Conner succeeded in clearing his land and developing it into one of the finest farms in Polk county. He was a Republican in politics, and both he and his wife were members of the Methodist church. Of their children, we make the following record: Sarah Ann, the oldest daughter, married Rev. John McCain, a Methodist minister. She died in her forty-first year, leaving five children. Mary Jane, wife of George Hobert, has four childern. Joseph Kirk lives on a farm near Bellevue. Emeline first married Benjamin Hasbrook by whom she had three children, and after his death she married Homer Atkins. Matilda, wife of Robert Dyer, died in her nineteenth year, leaving one child. Nathan is married and resides on the donation claim. Caroline, wife of Noah Gregg have four children. They reside in Washington. Elias is married, has one child, and resides on the home farm.
Mr. Conner's death occurred of apoplexy, July 15, 1888. He had made a will, dividing his part of the real estate between his three sons. Everything else, he left to his wife. She, however, thought best to sell the personal property and divide it with her daughters, which she did. She resides on her own portion of the estate, in the home they built in1872, where she is surrounded by all the comforts of life and where she enjoys the respect and esteem of all who know her.
From the book by Joseph Easton, "The Centennial History of Oregon" : Chicago, Illinios, S.J. Clark Pub. co. 1912 Vol. II, p. 847. Seen at Josephine county library.
In 1847 Mr. and Mrs. Conner and their two children, her father and mother, brother and six sisters, and an uncle and his family, all crossed the plains together. They made the journey in safety, and spent the following winter at Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Conner settled on their donation claim, of 640 acres, in May, 1848. They built a little log house, and began life here in a rude way, having little furniture in their cabin. By his honest and persistent efforts Mr. Conner succeeded in clearing his land and developing it into one of the finest farms in Polk county. He was a Republican in politics, and both he and his wife were members of the Methodist church. Of their children, we make the following record: Sarah Ann, the oldest daughter, married Rev. John McCain, a Methodist minister. She died in her forty-first year, leaving five children. Mary Jane, wife of George Hobert, has four childern. Joseph Kirk lives on a farm near Bellevue. Emeline first married Benjamin Hasbrook by whom she had three children, and after his death she married Homer Atkins. Matilda, wife of Robert Dyer, died in her nineteenth year, leaving one child. Nathan is married and resides on the donation claim. Caroline, wife of Noah Gregg have four children. They reside in Washington. Elias is married, has one child, and resides on the home farm.
Mr. Conner's death occurred of apoplexy, July 15, 1888. He had made a will, dividing his part of the real estate between his three sons. Everything else, he left to his wife. She, however, thought best to sell the personal property and divide it with her daughters, which she did. She resides on her own portion of the estate, in the home they built in1872, where she is surrounded by all the comforts of life and where she enjoys the respect and esteem of all who know her.
From the book by Joseph Easton, "The Centennial History of Oregon" : Chicago, Illinios, S.J. Clark Pub. co. 1912 Vol. II, p. 847. Seen at Josephine county library.